New Classes in Community Education for the General Public

Renaissance College Canio Sacral Massage

Renaissance Massage College is now offering classes to the general public . We want to connect with you and share information about the benefits of massage and to provide the Davis County community with classes in Self Care and how to support your family in leading a healthy lifestyle. We will be offering classes in a wide variety of topics so please check our calendar and blog regularly. Contact the school or the Instructor to learn the upcoming dates of various classes.

MODALITIES FOR MOMS (and Dads) Come and learn to use bodywork to help your children. Learn basic Cranio-Sacral, Infant Child Massage, Relaxation Techniques, Brain Gym to improve school performance. Learn how your child learns and how to meet the needs of children with learning challenges. Added Bonus: Tips for Taking Care of Mom.

Cranio-Sacral 1 & 2 Cranio sacral therapy is a form of massage when the bones in the skull, spine and pelvis are massaged with a very light pressure to ease stress and to provide healing. Instructor Diana Young has been teaching this modality for over 20 years to assist people in relieving stress, creating more balance in their lives. You do not need to be a massage therapist to take this basic class.

RELAX BREATHE ENERGIZE Aromatherapy: Nature’s Healing in a hectic world What can essential oils do for my family and to help the stress of living in a hectic world. Learn the benefits and proper use of essential oils. Receive a kit with the 10 basic Essential Oils.

Massage for Special Needs Children
This class offers you the tools of Cranio-Sacral therapy and other effective modalities used by massage therapists to help children with special needs. Help your own child at home. Weekly focus on Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, Dyslexia, Sensory Integration Dysfuntion, ADHD.

MEDITATION MADE EASY A tried-and-true way to calm your mind, meditation, is also one of the best things you can do for your body. Mounting medical evidence shows that the practice can boost the immune system, improve circulation, lower cholesterol, ease chronic pain, end insomnia, counter anxiety, relieve gastrointestinal distress and actually extend your lifespan. Join us for this on-going class and learn a variety of meditation methods to heal your life-Guided Visualization, Sitting Meditation, Breathing Exercises, Walking Meditation, HeartMath, Mantras for health and Well-Being. Experience body work self-healing techniques.

FACING THE STORM: LIVING WITH CHRONIC ILLNESS Weekly Class for those living with a chronic illness (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS, etc.) Learn to utilize daily self care tools to create a healthy attitude. Explore various forms of massage therapy to provide relief from symptoms.

TAKING CARE OF ME –TAKING CARE OF YOU Are you a Caregiver—spouse taking care of your husband, child taking care of your parent, living with a family member with physical or mental illness? This course is for you! Create a healthy life for yourself using proven tools and learn simple massage therapy LITE TOUCH techniques to help you care for your loved one.