Self Care for Massage Therapists

Renaissance College Massage Careers, Uncategorized

Blog Post August 20, 2013
Self-care for You!

Massage Therapist-girl in blue
Listed below are some ideas for avoiding burnout.  Remember that it takes less time and money to avoid burnout than it does to recover from it.

•    Walk your talk; receive the work that you promote to others.  Do this on a regular basis.  One rule of thumb is to never leave a bodywork session without knowing when your next one will be.
•    Leave time in your schedule for doing paperwork, marketing, laundering linens and preparing for clients.  This is work that needs to be considered part of your workweek.
•    Schedule vacations and long weekends.
•    Follow an exercise routine.
•    Get involved with a hobby that is unrelated to your work.
•    Join or form a support group of therapists where you can discuss issues and concerns related to your work.  Consult with a mentor or supervisor.
•    Read your vision on a regular basis.  Revise it when inspired to do so.
•    Create a work environment that energizes you.
•    *Get adequate rest.
•    *Eat foods that support your body.
•    *Continue your education in bodywork and related areas.
•    Develop and foster social relationships.
•    Practice Tai Chi, Qi gong or Yoga.
•    Engage in meditative practices.
•    Practice proper body mechanics.
•    Pamper yourself:  manicures, pedicures, hot baths, spa treatments, etc.