Hidden Benefits

5 Hidden Benefits of a Good Massage

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

So, think you know the benefits of massage? Here are 5 hidden benefits you might not! Aside from the fact that a good massage makes you feel better, what are some of the other hidden benefits to this practice? As a longtime advocate for massage, I decided to delve into its not-as-well-known aspects to see what else it offers beside …

10 Qualities of a Great Massage Therapist

10 Qualities of a Great Massage Therapist

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

10 Qualities of a Great Massage Therapist A great massage therapist can command a long list of loyal clientele. To be the most successful in this business, one must have a certain set of at least these 10 qualities that makes people want to come back. Some of those top qualities include: Ablity to Self-Promote: A great massage therapist will …

why massage therapy

Why Massage Therapy? An attempt to explain

Renaissance College Massage School, Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy Careers

Why massage therapy? An attempt to explain the magic of touch therapy, and why I decided to become a Registered Massage Therapist. People want to know why massage therapy as a profession. This is usually the first question a new client asks me. There is something about massage therapy. It’s got a certain luxurious caché. It’s a popular profession, yet …

massage school

Reality Check: Should You Really Attend Massage School?

Renaissance College Massage School, Massage Therapy

Massage School: Choosing massage therapy for a career is a momentous decision. In the nearly 15 years I’ve been practicing, I’ve rarely met any successful therapist who doesn’t look back on attending massage school as a life-changing experience. The key word there is successful. If you want to be a successful massage therapist, it’s a lot easier if you are …

regular massage

Why should everyone get a regular massage?

Renaissance College Massage Therapy, Medical Massage, Sports Massage

Have you thought about getting a regular massage? Tired, sore and stressed out? Most people would agree a regular massage makes them feel good. But many probably don’t realize exactly how good a regular massage is for their overall health. How about if they knew regular massage could improve performance, aid, recovery, prevent and eliminate injuries, reduce stress and even …

massage therapy

Fun Facts About Massage Therapy

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is regarded as one of the oldest, known to human, health care services. It was used in China, India, Japan and we can even see it on the walls of Egyptian tombs. Nowadays, it is one of the most present medical services providing relief to people all over the globe. Today, there are above 80 different types of …

massage pain relief

The Power of Touch for Pain Relief: Facts

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

Massage is well known for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. And, a growing body of research also shows that massage therapy is effective for chronic and acute pain relief and management. According to the National Institute for Health, more than one-third of all Americans will suffer from chronic pain at some point in their lives, and approximately 14 percent of …

pain management

Research Shows Massage Therapy for Pain Management

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

What is the research for pain management? Based on the evidence, massage therapy can provide significant improvement for pain, anxiety and health-related quality of life for those looking to manage their pain. This is the conclusion of a collaborative meta-analysis of research on massage therapy for pain conducted by the Samueli Institute and commissioned by the Massage Therapy Foundation, with …

health benefits

6 health benefits of massage therapy

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

Sure, it can help you relax. But massage therapy can do much more than that. Here are six health benefits and reasons to book an appointment It counteracts all that sitting you do “Most individuals are dealing with some kind of postural stress,” says Aaron Tanason, registered massage therapist, kinesiologist and owner at Paleolife Massage Therapy in Toronto. “More often …

Your Massage

Making the Most of Your Massage

Renaissance College Massage Therapy

How to Prolong the Benefits of Your Massage A massage works in wonderful ways, easing stress and pain, calming the nervous system, increasing circulation, loosening tight muscles, stimulating internal organs, and enhancing skin. The multiplicity of physiological responses sends a simple, clear message to the mind: Massage feels good. Of course, you want to hold on to that just-had-a-massage feeling …