Five Reasons To Get a Massage

Renaissance College Massage School

You travel frequently on business

Most people who travel extensively for business will require regular massage to increase their well-being. Frequent flyers are more likely to have a stiff neck and shoulders and may suffer from fatigue from well on the plane or in hotel beds. If you also have problems with your circulation you may risk waking up with swollen lower legs at the end of the flight.

Once you land, schedule a massage as soon as possible to help your body recover and regulate your sleeping patterns after a long haul flight. A full body massage on arrival is probably one of the best antidotes to flying especially if your work schedule is so busy that you will not have breaks during the day. Ask your massage practitioner to concentrate on the neck and shoulders to ease the tension and on the lower legs to improve the circulation.

You suffer from anxiety and stress

People suffering from stress tend to require a routine that will calm the mind. A combined approach with yoga and massage can help. Meditation should also be included in your stress toolkit. The best solution for anxiety and stress is to establish some patterns so that, when life throws a curveball at you, at least you have some structure to fall back on. Massage should be part of your stress toolkit but also of your normal schedule: if possible, establish a pattern of having a massage every two weeks. Leaving long gaps between treatments will mean that, when you book your next massage treatment, you have probably gone back to the same levels of tension you had before your previous appointment.

You work out at the gym, practice sports or run marathons

Exercising is great for your overall health. Exercise tones up the muscles giving you strength and stamina. When muscles are exercised they tense up from contracting and they may require some massage treatment to keep in peak condition and prevent injuries. There is not sufficient and conclusive scientific data about lactic acid and the effects of massage on removing or reducing waste products from exercise.

You suffer from insomnia

Lack of sleep is the number one reason for feeling fatigued during the day and reaching for stimulants like tea and coffee to stay awake and alert, causing a vicious circle of insomnia. No one wants to wake up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning in bed, trying to get some rest and failing to get some decent sleep. Insomnia has a detrimental effect on concentration, memory and mood. We become irritable when we can’t sleep. Regular massage can help normalize sleeping patterns.

You suffer from back pain or general aches and pains

Aches and pains is a broad category can can include non-chronic conditions like aches after getting a virus to long-term illnesses like arthritis and chronic fatigue. If we look at back pain in more detail, we must say that as a condition it is extremely complex as it can be caused by a multitude of factors. Stress, posture, trapped nerves, exertion, lifting heavy weights incorrectly are some of the causes of back pain. In some cases a referral to an osteopath or chiropractor is necessary for example for a slipped disc.