Use the power of touch to make your clients lives better, one at a time with massage therapy. Learn to help people relax in today’s fast paced society or use your massage skills to help them reach optimal wellness after injuries or illness. At our massage therapy school, you can get the training you need to become a professional in this rewarding field.
Massage in considered part of the health care industry. Medical facilities may offer massage and body work therapy.
Massage therapists work in medical clinics, massage clinics, fitness centers, athletic organizations, spas or in their own private practice. Massage therapy jobs are predicted to increase 20% by 2020 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Our massage therapy diploma and degree programs provide extensive training and practice in the most-requested modalities:
- Swedish massage
- Chair massage
- Hot stone massage
- Spa techniques
- Thai massage
- Energy work
- Sports massage
- Deep tissue massage
- Pregnancy/Special Population massage
- Myofascial release