Massage During The Holidays
Massage During The Holidays: Why it’s important. The holiday season is full of good cheer, good company, and, unfortunately, stress. Just as the darkest time of the year arrives, so does the holiday frenzy of shopping for presents and wrapping up year-end details. As our bodies yearn for extra rest, our culture directs us toward more activity. Massage is the perfect tool for staying healthy throughout the holiday season. But it’s not always easy to make time for massage. In this post, we’re reflecting on why massage is especially important during the holidays. We also provide tips to help LMTs and consumers alike work massage into their holiday schedules.
Benefits of Massage
According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) massage has been reported to be a key factor in increasing health and well-being. Some of the benefits listed are:
- Relief from back pain
- Massage therapy can provide substantial healing and pain relief for people suffering from low back pain caused by muscle tension and strain, if the correct muscles are targeted.
- Freedom from stress and anxiety
- Therapeutic massage can be helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. Massage was shown to promote relaxation and alleviate pain and anxiety in hospitalized cancer patients. Massage therapy can act to cleanse the body of impurities.
- Assists in treatment of headaches
- Under the back of the skull must be the single most pleasing and popular target for massage in the human body. No other patch of muscle gets such rave reviews. It has everything: deeply relaxing and satisfying sensations, and a dramatic therapeutic relevance to one of the most common of all human pains, the common tension headache. And no wonder: without these muscles, your head would fall off. They feel just as important as they are.