Massage Therapy Schools in Salt Lake City

Are you looking for a massage therapy school in Salt Lake City that offers the satisfaction of helping people and a work environment that is positive and exciting? With the education you will receive at Renaissance College-Massage Therapy, that career can be yours. Our students receive only the best education and direction that will help them succeed after graduation. Yes, there are a lot of massage therapy schools in Salt Lake City, but look no further.

Massage therapy is a flexible and rewarding career in which you not only take care of others , you also take care of yourself. You can work in a resort spa, cruise ship, sports clinic, destination spa, or a day spa close to home. You can even start your own private massage therapy practice. Opportunities are endless after graduating from Renaissance College-Massage Therapy.

Master hands-on massage therapy skills  enabling you to work in a variety of health care settings including medical, chiropractic, spas and resorts. Learn valuable communication skills to assist you in changing the lives of your clients. Massage therapy classes to teach you ethics and an organized business plan for success enabling you to explore opportunities for employment and self-employment available in your new massage career.  This massage therapy school in Salt Lake City offers a 900 hour ABHES accredited program to provide you with the foundation to create a successful and rewarding career as a massage therapist.

Continuing education and advanced training help you build on the foundation of your learning in school and to earn required Continuing Education credits (CE) .  We are approved by the NCBTMB and offer a wide variety of classes. Enroll in our massage program today!
