Fun Facts About Massage

23 Fun Facts About Massage Therapy

Renaissance College Massage School, Massage Therapy Courses Utah, Medical Massage Program

There are over 80 common massage modalities being used around the world. The sense of touch is the first sense to develop in humans and the last to diminish. The benefits of Massage Therapy span a person’s life-time from newborn to senior citizen. Massage Therapy stimulates the release of Endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, which is why its so …

Medical Massage Program

Renaissance College Medical Massage Program

Medical Massage Program is a 250 Hours Program. Treatment is specifically directed to the conditions that have been diagnosed by a Physician and the therapist should focus that treatment on the areas of the body related to the diagnosis. The client may come in 2-3 times a week for 3-6 weeks Medical massage is billed in 15 minute segments using …